A Peek into my Sketchbook…
One of my favorite things is when others give me a sneak peek into their design process. So I thought I might offer a bit of mine and maybe inspire someone reading (if anyone is reading, lol). Unfortunately, I don’t always follow the same path but I get there in the end. So here goes.
When the concept is up to me, I often spend a lot of time in the ideation phase. I’m not sure if it’s because I am afraid of moving forward or if I am questioning whether it is a good idea but it is a long process for me to get from the sketchbook to the project. However, I do think that doing a lot of research and development is a good place to start. I tend to come up with an idea and spend days thinking about it before writing anything down. Once I am stuck on the idea, I start by writing everything down in my sketchbook. Then take another few days to think about it. I'm telling you, it's a long process! I think at this point, I decide to review everything and for the final time, decide if it is a good idea. Then sketching begins. I sketch, refer back to my research, and sketch some more. I also try to explore colors at this stage. I find it easier to visualize a collection with a color scheme picked out. I find that collaging helps me to get my thoughts organized and really pinpoint ideas.
Here are some examples from my latest project:
I think that after I start collaging and sketching, I get into the groove. I do a lot of sketches and variations of sketches and different color variations. I really try to get anything that is in my head down on the paper. These representations of my thoughts often help me move forward and build ideas on top of each other. I also like to find "buzz" words that I want the collection to include. These help me nail down the important details.
Making tends to be where I solve all of my problems so once I get some sketches that I like and that I think represent my concept, I move onto pattern making. This helps me work out design lines and make sure that I am happy with my design. If not, back to the drawing board. I tend to make a prototype of each design and make adjustments where needed. Whether that is in my drawings, patterns, etc. Once I complete a prototype that I am happy with, I do a drawing of the final product(s). With the drawings and the prototypes, I have an easier time visualizing the collection and seeing my vision come to life. From here I start the final products.
I am always tweaking things in my sketchbook and collections. I am never fully happy with my designs when I begin. I love the process of getting to the final collection and final products.
Thanks for bearing with and I think that’s all she wrote.//